Travelling Backwards – A Review


Travelling Backwards By Toby Forward

I managed to pick this book up for 50p in a sale at The Works, and what a bargain it was. Jess has read the book 3 or 4 times and thinks it is brilliant.

It’s an easy story to read which introduces children to the concepts of death and endings. It deals with death in a child friendly and non scary way.  Below is Jess’s review of the book, she first read it just after her 9th birthday.

“Travelling Backwards is about a little girl called Lizzie. Lizzie’s grandpa is dying  Lizzie goes over to her freind miss may’s house to take her mind of her dying grandpa but miss may knows some thing is upsetting  Lizzie and asks what is wrong.

Lizzie tells miss may and miss may gives  Lizzie a potion to stop  Lizzie’s grandpa dying she warns Lizzie not to give grandpa to much and to bring the bottle back when grandpa is better .  Lizzie goes back home and gives grandpa some and the effect is extraordinary my favourite part is when Lizzie goes to the beach with her better grandpa who drank a bit to much

I give it 4.5 out of 5, I think most children who can read on their own would like it”

4.5 Stars



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